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Saving for Geshu Lin in Wuthering Waves

Geshu Lin Hype

Many players are excited about the upcoming character, Geshu Lin, in Wuthering Waves. Fans are eagerly saving their resources to pull for him, hoping he will be as powerful and cool as he appears.

The Anticipation

Geshu Lin's Popularity

Geshu Lin has garnered a lot of love for his design and lore. Players are hoping to max out his character, which is a significant investment in gacha games.


I'm intending to c6 him, which is the first character that I've ever wanted to c6 in a gacha game.

Character Comparisons

Players often compare Geshu Lin to other popular characters, speculating about his potential impact on the game.

Product Comparison:

  • Geshu Lin vs. Scar: Both are highly anticipated, but fans debate their differences and potential roles.
  • Geshu Lin vs. Jiyan: Some fans are drawn to both characters, appreciating their unique designs and abilities.

Addressing Concerns

Release Timing

There's a mix of hope and concern regarding when Geshu Lin will be released. Some worry it could be a long wait, while others are more optimistic.


For all we know he might take several years to release (like how I waited crazy long for Scara in GI after his first appearance in 1.2), so I won't be holding my breath for now.

Possible Death

There's speculation about Geshu Lin's fate in the story, with some players worried he might be dead or not become playable.


Wasn't he dead?

Strategy for Saving

Resource Management

Players discuss strategies for saving their in-game currency to ensure they can pull for Geshu Lin when he becomes available.


I have 13k astrite ready for him.. I am waiting... I am praying... I AM MANIFESTING!
(i will skip all the 1.1 ladies..)

Balancing Act

Balancing the desire to pull for other characters while saving for Geshu Lin is a common challenge among players.


I'm not saving *only* for him, but the chances of me *not* pulling for him are very low.

Final Thoughts

The excitement around Geshu Lin highlights the community's passion and dedication in Wuthering Waves. Fans are eagerly awaiting his release, strategizing their in-game resources, and speculating about his role in the story. Whether it's his design, lore, or potential abilities, Geshu Lin has captured the hearts of many players, making him one of the most anticipated characters in the game.